Hell is Other Republicans

found online by Raymond


     [Image from MSNBC]

From nojo:

We must admit, we were surprised on Saturday. We were expecting others to join the Texas GOP’s call for secession — that being the logical next step in the Republican Passion Play — perhaps even a series of tweets from the top suggesting that the faithful take matters into their own hands.

Instead, they started turning on each other.

Nothing new there, as such. Trump’s been roasting Georgia’s elected Republicans awhile now for their perfidy. But with nowhere else to turn — secession curiously being unthinkable — blame still needed to be cast where it could go.

The election was still stolen. But it was stolen from the inside. The traitors are in the house.

The pleasure in this — and lord, is there a lot of pleasure — is that we’re not talking about already suspicious RINOs like Mitt Romney. We’re talking about fellow true believers whose fealty was formerly unquestionable. We’re talking about musical chairs, but with buses, and the game is not to get thrown under one.

Fox News? The Supreme Court? William Barr? State Republican election officials who wouldn’t play along with blatant disenfranchisement? Come on down! Your Greyhound is waiting.

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