Typhoid Marys, Court-Empowered

found online by Raymond


Eucharist broadcast from Portland     [Image from Trinity Episcopal Cathedral PDX]

From Infidel753:

Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling against New York state’s efforts to fight covid-19 by restricting church gatherings is an example of what we can expect now that the appointment of Coathanger Coney has entrenched the religio-wingnut majority on the highest court in the land. Decisions will be made based on the interests of Christian supremacism, with some threadbare “reasoning” tacked on as an afterthought.

An example of the latter would be Gorsuch’s comparison of church services with going to a store to buy a bicycle or a bottle of wine, as if just one person stepping inside a building for the few minutes such a transaction requires could be compared with packing many people indoors for an hour or two of singing, chanting, and whatever other intensive virus-spreading behaviors their particular sect’s weird occult rituals require. We already know how this works. There have been countless examples of church services and events causing large-scale outbreaks of covid-19. I have yet to hear of any such disasters being traced to liquor stores.

More salient is the assertion that New York’s restrictions infringed the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religion. Here’s why that’s nonsense.

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