Franklin Graham Condemns Pope For “Normalizing Homosexuality”

found online by Raymond


Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil unions     [Image from WUSA9-CBS Washington, DC]

From Scotties Toy Box:

Franklin Graham: “God Says Gays Face ‘Eternal Death'”

The fact is the current Pope understands the church is dying, losing members due to two things. The molestation scandal while claiming moral superiority, and the fact the majority of the public has moved on from their stance on moral issues and are leaving the church. He knows if he wants to rebuild the church they need to keep the younger people, they need to rebuild the brand. The diehards don’t want the brand to change. They are willing to accept death of their religion thinking such a thing can never happen, their money and their god wont allow it. The more realist people in the church realize their god is spiritual and the world is realistic. So this Pope has for years been trying to bridge the two, the fanatical dogmatic dictatorial side of the church and the more open less dogmatic more modern accepting side of the church.

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