The Absolute Reality of Voting in the 2020 Election

found online by Raymond


Vote this year!      [Image from mana5280 on Unsplash]

From Gregory B. Gonzalez in MadMikesAmerica:

Donald J. Trump’s evil has been laid bare before your very eyes, and it’s so blatant that he’s not bothering to hide it anymore. Just the fact that he’s allowed over 210,000 of our fellow citizens to die a horrible death alone without being able to see their families one last time pretty much tells you all you need to know about him.

He cares nothing for your lives, and you want to know why? Because there’s nothing in it for him. His enablers, butt-kissers, and supporters are there as long as they’re loyal and useful to him. Once they’ve outlived their shelf-life, they’re as disposable as soiled toilet paper. If that hasn’t sunk in by now, you’re either blind, stupid, or ignorant.

I ask you, is it really any surprise that the country is falling apart? 2020 is almost over, and despite the pandemic, I’ve seen some truly beautiful things, acts of kindness and heroism that I only wish I could have been a part of. On the other hand, there have also been so many acts of cruelty and selfishness that have made me question my already shaky faith in humanity. Every damned day, I wake up dreading what I’m going to see on the news and hoping that it’s not going to be as bad as I think it’s going to be.

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