Uncle Joe!

found online by Raymond


Brayden Harrington on how Joe Biden helped him manage a stutter

From Max’s Dad:

He is the cool uncle, the relative everyone loves, the buddy who when he asks you how you are really means it. He’s a decent man. My hope for progressive policy and Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders was always a house of cards. Decency was what America needs.

When Bidens candidacy was saved by Rep Jim Clyburn and the black voters of South Carolina and the sudden dropping out of Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar, and Mike Bloomberg “saved” the party from Bernie Sanders Joe was the apparent man. Lets face it, Sanders was a risk that could have been taken in 2016 but in 2020 wasnt a risk worth taking. Biden was the safe choice. The choice of the cautious. And dammit, cautious is what we have to do to rid ourselves of this fascist menace.

So here we are. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.A 78 year old white man and a 58 year old woman of color. Against a 74 year old loudmouthed strongman and a admiring closet case. Its not ideal but it is what it is.

Biden gave what is called the speech of his life Thursday night. He was forceful, decent and there were no gaffes. The Republicans sat there in awe, and could only rebut it with their normal far left obsessive screeches and the teleprompter insults. As if being able to read is a flaw. Why not be like our guy, a dyslexic Adderal addict with a tendency to go off the rails and tell people to inject bleach.

Decency. Normal.

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