Could/Would You Do This?

found online by Raymond


Farm workers laboring through thick smoke in Salinas, CA, area:

From Nan’s Notebook:

As hundreds of fires burn across California forming a heavy cloud of smoke, these farm workers trudge on keeping the essential agriculture industry alive.

Of course they have few other options since there is no paid time off for sick days … and most of them NEED that $5.50 an hour (and $1.60 per box filled) in order to survive in a state like California with an outrageously high cost of living.

So they continue to toil under record-high temperatures and suffocating smoke — many without any protection from the terrible air quality. Even though state regulations require companies to provide masks for workers when the air quality reaches a certain threshold of “very bad,” it doesn’t always happen.

Few appreciate these workers. In fact, there are those in our society who look down on them.

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