Trump Warns That Mail-In Ballots
Could Result in Voting

found online by Raymond


Unpatriotic Ballot Casting

From The Borowitz Report:

Appearing on Fox News, Trump said that there were “all kinds of studies” showing a “direct link” between mail-in ballots and votes cast.

“Wherever you’ve had mail-in ballots, there have been widespread cases of voting,” he said. “We’re not going to let that happen.”

He said that other countries have solved the problem of “too many votes” by banning mail-in ballots altogether.

“You look at North Korea,” Trump said. “They don’t have mail-in ballots. They barely have mail. They’re doing an amazing job.”

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One thought on “Trump Warns That Mail-In Ballots
Could Result in Voting”

  1. It’s a sad state of affairs, and this is my own personal failing, that I had to look more than once to verify that this was indeed satire.

    Satirists and places like the Onion must be struggling so hard with this administration… because things previously regarded as outlandish live in the realm of possibility now.

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