Oh, His Tone is Changing, They Say?

found online by Raymond


Two Tone Trump

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

I know I keep saying this, but the pivot isn’t coming. People thought back in 2016, at some point, Trump would stop dishing out red meat to the rubes and start behaving like a person who wanted to win a general election. He didn’t pivot, and welp. So, after the election, he was gonna get serious once he was on the job, and behave presidentially. Welp. And now he is saying mean hashtags on Twitter are not just “very unfair!” but illegal. Sure. All bad news about him is “fake news” and all bad polls are “rigged”.

So when I see any story that suggests he’s got a “new tone”, let’s take that with a grain, it better include, as the link does, that that new tone is probably about re-election and his discovery that “his people” are also getting it. (Let’s just not take it with a grain of hydroxychloroquine, which the newly-serious Trump has been retweeting links about this evening. It still hasn’t demonstrated any proven effectiveness and has serious side effects, including death.) He wants to appear serious and concerned, but let’s not confuse that for actually being that way.

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