Rage Is the Reason—The Only Way Not To Lose Is Not To Play the Game.

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Professor Compares His Arrest with George Floyd’s

From Glenn R. Geist at MadMikesAmerica:

I listened to Princeton professor Eddie Glaude yesterday morning on MSNBC. He was talking about the inherent trap in debating the slogans of the day, and as is usually the case, I have to agree with him.

I was prepared to write another something about my dislike of the “White Privilege” trope and how it’s designed not so much to describe reality but to convey a negative emotion toward an entire race. As Nietzsche wrote: “Every philosophy conceals a philosophy” and I think that applies here.

I’m sure we all are aware that when we speak about the welfare of large numbers of people, it’s advantageous in general to be identified with the majority, but we know that applying such things to the specific and to the individual can be misleading. I’ve wasted many words and time trying to make the point that a great many people of European stock lead lives of quiet desperation from paycheck to paycheck and are often furious about being called “privileged.” Assuming that I point this out to people who don’t intend that result, means I lose.

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