You’re Damn Right I’m Angry

found online by Raymond


Waiting for rally in South Carolina

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

“You’re so angry.”

Yes, I am.

I need you to know why.

I’m angry that you willingly voted for a vile, predatory ignoramus who said the most despicable things about women just two weeks before the election.

I’m angry that you voted for him after he encouraged his followers to rough up rally protestors and said he could shoot someone in the street and not lose supporters.

I’m angry that you voted for him after he was endorsed by the KKK and courted the most extreme fringes of the white supremacist movements in America.

I’m angry that you ignored Hillary Clinton’s experience, intelligence, and character, to give away the nation’s leadership to a guy who filed bankruptcy numerous times and left an endless trail of unpaid vendors and broken promises.

I’m angry that you were going to vote for him no matter how repugnant he showed himself to be or how ignorant he was of the most fundamental aspects of the Constitution or how incapable of complex thought he obviously was—simply because he was Republican.

I’m angry that ever since voting for him, you’ve excused a million lies, incendiary tweets, abuses of power, denials of science, and race-baiting tweets that have endangered hundreds of millions of people.

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