Law Enforcement, Private Enterprise, and Personal Data

found online by Raymond


DNA Privacy

From Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

Government makes the laws. It needs this lawmaking power to fulfil its responsibility to protect us from and prosecute criminals. But it’s for this very reason–its power of the gun–that we have a constitution designed to limit that power; that is, to prevent the government from becoming the criminal.

Giving the same freedom to police to collect our data as Cambridge Analytica amounts to giving the police free reign to search our homes without a warrant. Cambridge Analytica or Facebook or “Big Pharma” should be free to collect our freely given data, so long as it operates within the law–e.g., obeys the government’s privacy and contract laws. They cannot force us. They can only offer us a product. The police, as agents of the state, should be barred from accessing data without a warrant–that is, without “probable cause.” Isn’t there something in the Fourth Amendment about this?

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