Billionaires Say They Are “Victims” – They Are NOT!

found online by Raymond



From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Did you get a 25% raise this year? If you make minimum wage, that would be a raise of $3770. If you make about the median wage in this country, that would be in the neighborhood of about $15,000.

I doubt any in the middle or working classes got a 25% raise in 2019. In fact, I’ll bet that most American workers didn’t even get the $3770 raise to give a minimum wage earner that 25%.

Most Americans, especially the bottom 90%, are just struggling to keep up with inflation. A 25% raise would be a dream come true, but it’s really a dream with no chance of coming true with the Republicans in power.

But the super-rich, the people who didn’t need to make more than they already do, got a 25% raise in 2019.

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One thought on “Billionaires Say They Are “Victims” – They Are NOT!”

  1. Yes, the ever popular “victim card” has been played so often by Republicans, white nationalists, evangelical Bible-thumpers, racists, the wealthy elites, and the President for so long nobody but the deplorable ones posing as victims care anymore.

    Meanwhile they do everything they can to make life more miserable for the poor and minorities.

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