Evangelical Reaction to Christianity Today : Defend Trump to the End

found online by Raymond


Church of Trump

From Infidel753:

The church of Trump

Our country’s conservative Christians have not only sold their souls, but sold them extraordinarily cheaply. Trump is to theocracy as Gilderoy Lockhart was to sorcery. Yes, he’s packed the courts with anti-abortion wingnuts and done what he can to undermine gay equality and the separation of church and state, but he’s never made much pretense of being a Christian and has never lived his life in conformity with the Christian taboo system, while his general blundering and incompetence limit his effectiveness as an autocrat. Granted, fundies have a long history of excuse-making and closing ranks around money-grubbing, sexually-abusive church leaders, but their hypocrisy is no less blatant just because it’s an old habit. Making idiotic analogies with Cyrus the Great doesn’t help. It’s no wonder young people are running away from religion faster than ever.

But our country’s conservative Christians have chosen their side, and have made it clear that dissent within their ranks will be ruthlessly denounced. They are with Trump all the way.

They are the church of migrant family separation and “very fine people”.

They are the church of systematic scapegoating of Latinos and Muslims.

They are the church of “pussy grabbing”, mockery of the disabled, cruelty to the families of the honorable dead, and potty-mouthed toddler-level name-calling.

They are the church of Leviticus 20:13 which has utterly forgotten Leviticus 19:33-34.

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