The King and Queen of America

found online by Raymond


Lost America

From driftglass:

It is no longer a matter of repairing the country. The country cannot be repaired. We can no longer pretend that we can once again become a United States if we just find a Mighty Uniter who will say and do just the right things i just the right way. Modern history has shown that when Democrats elect uniters, Republicans become exponentially more deranged.

No, the question before us is who will get to rebuild a New America in the ruins of the Old America — which, when you think about it, is the story American.

Will the New America be shaped those of us who want our nation to look a lot like the old America, but with a greater explicit commitment to fairness, justice, shared prosperity and responsible stewardship of out planet? Or will it be some grotesque parody of America? Fascism, wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible?

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