Eating Babies is Not Okay

found online by Raymond


Trump Attacked AOC Over The “Eat The Babies” Viral Video

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Turns out, the stunt was staged by a pro-Trump conspiracy group

But for the folding of the satirical concept of eating babies lifted from Swift and whipped into frothing nightmare fuel, you’ve got your guano-brains du jour, Q‑Anon, serving up heaping helpings of adrenochrome. This is, apparently, the scared-child sauce that elite liberals have been drinking to stay looking so amazeballs and vigorous. It’s basically Pizzagate with a vampire twist, and has its origins in one of the oldest and most bigoted conspiracy theories (which has killed countless innocent people) on the books–the Blood Libel.

It’s batshit with a pedigree. Call the group you wish to destroy “child murderers”–say they eat babies–and watch it excite the part of the brain that wants to, quite rightly, desperately protect their young. Unleash the meme on people who already dislike this group. Watch as the people exposed to said unfounded slander decide that the claim is too grave to further investigate and action must be taken at once.

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