Europe Relieved: Bolton, Fire to Trump’s Frying Pan, Is Gone

found online by Raymond


John Bolton and his former boss

From Brij Khindaria at The Moderate Voice:

John Bolton’s firing has sent a huge sigh of relief through key European capitals, especially those that want to prevent war with Iran because he was seen as a war-obsessed Svengali mesmerizing President Donald Trump.

An early sign of international relief was the 2.2% drop in oil prices indicating optimism that the pressure on Iran might abate a little.

French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders are determined to stop Iran from acquiring a usable nuclear weapon, but they do not support regime change in Tehran as does Bolton. They also do not want to become part of Trump’s and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s obsession with bringing Iran’s leaders to the negotiating table by tormenting its people through economic pain and deprivation.

With Bolton gone, Macron and others are hoping that Trump’s wiser angels will prevail.

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