
found online by Raymond

From Green Eagle:

Well, I never bothered to write a post about this because it seemed so obvious to me, but I have firmly believed since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested that he had only a very short time to live.

Let’s cut to the chase here: this egomaniacal, evil billionaire has escaped the law over and over again, and there was no reason to believe that he wouldn’t do it this time too. Any person with half a brain knows he was killed, and we know who had him killed.

It’s a funny country we live in, where Republicans are allowed to spend years and God knows how many tens of millions of dollars spreading the lie that Hillary, and in fact all Democratic leaders, are participants in a gigantic Satanic pedophile sex murder cult, while Democrats are not allowed to make the clearest assertions about Republican treachery without a signed confession witnessed by God and the lord Jesus. Well, to hell with that attitude, which is just another way of rolling over and playing dead.

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