On Being Denounced, Again (Again)

found online by Raymond

From author John Scalzi:

Yesterday I came across a recent fanzine with a rather emphatic editorial about (and against) me, and my influence on the Hugo Awards and on science fiction and fantasy fandom in general. I posted a link to it on Twitter, and the editorial — and I — became the subject of much comment online. I was busy most of the day yesterday with business meetings and (because I’m in LA) driving to business meetings, so I didn’t have much to say about it. But I have a bit of time this morning to talk about some of the topics it brings up, so let me touch on a few of them.

1. First and most obviously, the author of the piece is perfectly within the bounds to have the opinion she has, even if she’s being mean to me, and even if I think the thesis of her argument and the general procedure of it is largely incorrect. I can take it, and I will remind people never to be an asshole on my behalf to anyone else, please, and thank you.

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One thought on “On Being Denounced, Again (Again)”

  1. Thank you for reposting Mr. Scalzi’s blog. I often forget to go there myself, I guess that makes me a mediocre fan of his and some of his novels. I have several of his novels on my bookshelf right now. I do enjoy his attitude and his insistance to not have his fans make personal attacks on the author of that essay. Classy.

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