Wallace Explodes Giuliani ‘No Obstruction’ Talking Point

found online by Raymond

From Tommy Christopher:

Chris Wallace Destroys Trump’s ‘No Obstruction’ Claim to Rudy Giuliani’s Face: ‘That’s Not True!’

“So Mueller invites Congress to look into this, and the president, in terms of Congress, hasn’t been exonerated at all on the issue of the obstruction,” Wallace said after reading Mueller’s notations about obstruction.

Giuliani then claimed Trump could “never get exonerated” because it means “proving a negative.”

“But he’s doing more than that, he is suggesting that there is a case and evidence that Congress should examine,” Wallace interrupted.

Giuliani plowed on with his rationale awhile longer, before Wallace interrupted again to say “Respectfully, basically what he’s saying is I think it should go to Congress, that’s what he’s saying.”

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