Activist Judges

found online by Raymond

From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

A Solid Reason to Vote Democratic in the 2020 Election

The measly 47 month sentence given by Judge Ellis is a mockery of justice – period. It reinforces the fact that there is a separate, more lenient, form of justice for the wealthy and a more stringent one for those who are poor, workers, or are minorities. “Arch-conservative” is a term for Ellis that is not being bandied about carelessly by this blogger alone: none other than the conservative Forbes magazine has referred to this most un-just judge as such.

Republicans have long decried the supposed evils of what they term as “activist” (LIBERAL) judges, who have sided against monied, conservative interests in favor of the poor, or minorities, or everyday workers who are not business-owners or professionals. For many decades, they have insisted on the appointment of judges at all levels who fit their more conservative, “strict constructionist” pattern of legal interpretation. Since the presidency of the criminal Richard Nixon, they have made certain to appoint only those who profess to be “conservatives” as judges – and the horrible consequences of this pattern emerged with the undeniably light sentence given Paul Manafort.

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