Manufactured Crisis At Fox: ‘Leftists Are Against The Pledge!’

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:

There’s a long tradition on Fox News of creating some sort of “attack on our values” nonsense to make it seem as if bad libruls are taking away “our” Christmas/flag/freedom/gas guzzler and “we” have to fight back!

In the middle of the Trump Shutdown it’s especially important to create outrage among the idiots still watching Fox News in the age of Trump Russia.

So here’s Pete Hegseth, impelling on-air child props to say the Pledge of Allegiance, then gets this ahole James Robbins on to explain how the left is being mean to the country and doesn’t love Murica.

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One thought on “Manufactured Crisis At Fox: ‘Leftists Are Against The Pledge!’”

  1. Is a pledge a promise with meaning made by a consenting adult or a ritual for children to be forced to repeat every day at the same time and with the same cadence in a group following a voice on a loudspeaker? Is a school the appropriate setting for such a pledge? Are all of the components of the pledge–“under God,” “indivisible,” “with liberty and justice for all”–both true and laudable? Is it scary that people didn’t say this pledge before it was forced upon them in the late 1800s/mid 1950s? Is it actually scary that some people don’t say it now or is it totally irrelevant?

    Only stupid people care about this. Only stupid people care about what Fox News personalities say.

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