Ben Shapiro Is Undoing All Of The Fake Tea Party’s Hard Work

found online by Raymond

From driftglass:

Back in the Year of Our Lord 2006, as the Bush Administration was beginning to collapse under the pulverizing weight of its own criminal incompetence, corruption and hubris, the loud and proud Bush Regime supporters were making great sport of begin mocking us lefties as alarmist idiots and reveling in our Liberal tears.

But because Republicans — the former Party of Personal Responsibility — are fundamentally weak and cowardly and incapable of taking personal responsibility for their shitty decisions, as the collapse of the Bush regime accelerated past the point where reality-denial-in-force could keep it at bay any longer, your humble scrivener predicted that Crazy Uncle Liberty would, in very short order, begin denying Bush faster and harder than Peter denied Christ. From me in 2006:

In five years, having voted for Bush will have become the parachute pants of this decade.

But I was wrong.

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