Morning Joe Calls Out Fox For Khashoggi Smears

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:

All too often, the mainstream cable news networks treat Fox News with kid gloves. “There are some very fine people who work there” “our colleagues at Fox News” baloney.

So it’s refreshing to see Morning Joe actually use a CLIP from “Outnumbered” and call out Harris Faulkner’s words while at the same time showing her saying them. Because what she did was atrocious — saying she was just “putting it out there” that “some people say” (a Fox favorite for pushing right-wing conspiracies) that murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi was possibly affiliated with (insert bad Arab boogie man terrorist organization here).

Mika called out by name the Faulkner line, “just putting it out there” as a complete lie and terribly irresponsible.

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