Science, Religion, POTUS Anointed, No-Tax Spend, Kavanaugh Justice

  • This week’s note in Trumpian ‘Alternative Facts’ comes from The Huffington Post as Sarah Sanders defends Presidential remarks about the alleged victim of attempted rape by a future Supreme Court Justice. Seems what we all thought was the mocking of that victim was actually a simple statement of a few facts. A fair and balanced analysis, so to speak. We report, you decide.
  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara reviews a Trump administration analysis of US policy that concludes any US change in emissions policy that would meaningfully impact global warning would have to be catastrophic for the US economy. Michael embraces what he sees as a definitive refutation of hysterical environmentalism.
    Well… the deck was a little stacked.
    The administration analysis was part of a series, all restricted to the effect on world-wide climate if the US acted alone. Actually, the projection would be accurate if any single country acted alone. It’s called the Tragedy of the Commons, and it’s why serious environmentalists, acting on scientific evidence, urge global cooperation to meet a global threat to all of humanity.
    Could be the Trump initiated study is not as scientific as Michael A. LaFerrara’s libertarian faith might lead him to believe.
  • Infidel753 contrasts the scientific method with that of religious faith. Has to do with the relationship of evidence and conclusion. As we would expect from Infidel, his analysis is thoughtful, well researched, well presented. I confess I see a possible slight conflation of faith with fundamentalism. There is some awkwardness in that criticism since I am a non-fundamentalist Christian. Think this: You’re right, my brother, about all them other places of worship. Not where WE attend, of course. In any case, a compelling piece, worth the click trip.
  • PZ Myers reviews a movie production that regards the choosing of Donald Trump as the divine will of God. Okay, so maybe Infidel is on to something.
  • Dave Dubya covers the famous bromance Kanye has developed for our President and a perfect response from Chris “Captain America” Evans.
  • Jon Perr at PERRspectives brings his usual charts and detail in reviewing the return of Spend and Not Tax Republicans. “Like a recurring biblical plague, they descend across the country.” Guy has a way with words.
  • Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass reprises the Second Bill of Rights, including universal medical care, a job, and an adequate wage as proposed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  • David Brooks, the New York Times designated conservative, laments the coming Kavanaugh confirmation as a predictable reaction to decades of liberal overreach. driftglass vivisects Mr. Brooks point by painful point.
  • At The Moderate Voice, Kevin McMahon of Trinity College observes, improbably, that Justice Gorsuch and Justice-to-be Kavanaugh are minority-minority Justices, that they have something in common with two other minority Justices, and that together the four undermine the legitimacy of the United States system of justice.
  • Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post ties the Kavanaugh nomination with New York Times research on Trump financial history and suggests a November reaction.
  • Andy Borowitz reports that criminals throughout the nation are asking for the FBI investigation Kavanaugh just got.
  • Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger imagines the SCOTUS Justices donning their robes for a formal portrait.
  • The Journal of Improbable Research finds a study of Olympic sports that suggests winners die earlier than non-winners.