Rant for the Day — Road Warriors

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

I wasn’t prepared for the sheer stupidity of some drivers.

There are apparently people to whom driving is a grimly-urgent game whose object is to be ahead of, rather than behind, as many other cars as possible. People jump from lane to lane through dangerously-small gaps trying to get in front of each other, tailgate, honk furiously in frustration when a move in the game fails, speed up to cut off people properly signaling a lane change or trying to merge onto the freeway, and vroom off with an aggressively flatulent-sounding burst of acceleration when a gap in one lane offers a chance to get a few spots ahead.

And usually that’s all that’s at stake — a chance to get one or two car-positions further ahead than they would otherwise be. You’re driving up your blood pressure and stress hormones, and everyone else’s, for the sake of an advantage of a few seconds. What on Earth is the point? It’s as if people feel that getting in front of another car rather than behind it is a test of their manhood. I can’t help thinking of those primate intimidation displays to assert dominance which find echoes in so much of human behavior.

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