‘Dark Money’ is Free Speech. Protect It

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

“Dark Money” is the language of dictators who want to silence the free speech of private citizens. Another word for “dark” is anonymous. Given the inextricable link between spending and speech, anonymous spending equals anonymous expression. Anonymous expression is a right that should be protected. Political anonymity has been used throughout history by free speakers to avoid harassment and intimidation by both governments, political opponents, and private thugs. It was used by Revolutionary advocates of freedom and independence to shield them from British reprisals. It was used by 20th Century black Civil Rights advocates to shield them from white racist lynch mobs.

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5 thoughts on “‘Dark Money’ is Free Speech. Protect It”

  1. Libertarians always interpret their principles so as to maximize the power of the ultra-wealthy. It’s remarkable how consistent they are about it.

  2. The pattern holds: they ignore consequences in favor of principles.

    A society that endlessly enriches, empowers, and protects an elite class in the name of freedom is self-destructive. Someone who truly enjoys and supports freedom is willing to curtail it when it threatens itself and able to recognize that extralegal freedom is important as well.

  3. “Dark Money” is hardly free. Only the very wealthy can afford it, and it is often used to suppress the free speech of others.

  4. Right. I’m sure we all recall the rallies featuring Hitler’s raging diatribes against dark money.

    Every freedom loving citizen and voter in a democratic republic understands that politicians need their owners’ identity protected. Otherwise, dictators will take our freedom away. It’s just common sense, and best for all concerned.

  5. Another unconvincing “arguement” from a reactionary contrarian.

    ““Dark Money” is the language of dictators who want to silence the free speech of private citizens.”

    No it’s not. Everything that follows this opening assertion makes no effort to argue it’s case.

    “Monetary expenditure is intricate to free speech. Rights to anonymity is crucial to spending on free expression.”

    I seem to have forgotten where in the Bill of Rights one is afforded a right to anonymity. It’s not even in his favorite non-governmental document the Declaration of Independence.

    “After all, what is the “democratic process” but free and open debate for the purpose of persuading and influencing?”

    The opposite of what you’re advocating for, Mr. LaFerrara. What is “Free” and “Open” about “Dark Money”? The fact that people are willing to hide behind anonymity seems to indicate to me that they are against free and open debate. Otherwise they’d boldly declare their thoughts, ideas and defend their position themselves. I mean, Mr. LaFerrara, you’re the one that rails against “Intellectual Cowardice”. “Dark Money” is a tool for, here’s another of your terms, “Intellectual Oppression”.
    If the “Marketplace of Ideas” is 9/10 full of dangerous products, chances are the 1/10 great products are going to lose by sheer volume. A person contributing to “Dark Money” is one shouting voice in a crowd full of shouting people wearing masks. Take off the masks and let’s debate.

    And finally:

    “Unless a crime is committed, keeping one’s political donations large or small private from both public and government is a fundamental right that should be protected by government.”

    1) This is not what the implicit right to privacy that the Constitution affords is means. You contribute money for a very public endeavor involving our political discourse and government, it should be clear and open to all those affected. If you do not want your contribution known than you should reconsider why you think that and what compels you to hide.

    2) The reason it is called “Dark Money” is because it’s not transparent. If it isn’t transparent, how on God’s Green Earth can we determine if “a crime is committed”? What kind of reasoning is that?

    Honestly. You took a right to speech issue and spun it as a right to privacy issue? Campaign finance laws exist to limit a corrupting influence on our politicians and government. The end. Mr. LaFerrara is advocating for more corruption. For Mr. LaFerrara, Corruption == Intellectual Courage.

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