Katy Tur Speaks To Evil

found online by Raymond

From Dave Dubya:

Trump made his intentions, and his authoritarian tactics, clear: “I do it to discredit and demean you all, (News media) so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.”

Journalists who report his lies and the truth he denies, are accused of being the “enemy of the people”. This is the lowest depth any president has ever sunk to in the history of the nation. It is down at the very bottom, along with supporting Putin’s disinformation campaign by siding with him against two bi-partisan Senate committees, the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the CIA.

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

This Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” tactic is at the heart of his war on facts, the press, and dissent.

Now Trump’s fascistic attacks on the press and First Amendment are agitating his thug followers into a growing menace.

Angry mobs shout their anger, hatred and insults at newsmen covering his rallies, as he raves from the podium that they are “horrible, horrendous people.”

There is only one fitting word for all this hate, blame and false accusation from a would-be tyrant.

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