A Very British Take On American News Headlines

found online by Raymond

From Neil Bamforth at MadMikesAmerica:

Now it does need to be said that Britain, like every nation, has its fair share of idiots and thick people. Many years ago a newspaper published a picture of a double deck bus – an old London ‘Route Master’ as it happens – that had been supposedly found on Mars. I was, sadly, not amazed that there were people who actually believed it. I have no idea what they thought the fare for such a trip would have been.

What passes for headline news in America can often cause confusion in Britain. Many people didn’t believe Donald Trump was really called ‘Trump’. “It must be a misprint,” said one chap in my local pub, “nobody is named after a fart” – given that a ‘trump’, in Britain, is a polite word for fart. He meant it. He couldn’t believe anyone could actually be called ‘Trump’.

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