Media Concern Trolling At Its Finest

found online by Raymond

From Green Eagle:

The lead story from the Washington Post today! The lead story!

“Liberal hostility toward Trump aides could galvanize the GOP base…

Recent displays of anger directed toward members of the Trump administration — such as the White House press secretary being asked to leave a Va. restaurant and a speech by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) — could play into the president’s hands.”

Do you ever remember any of the mainstream media truly concerned that the avalanche of hatred directed nonstop by Republicans toward Democrats for decades could galvanize the Democratic base? Never. Because, in fact this headline article is not a kindly meant warning to the Democratic party that a howling mob of millions of Republicans might attack them because some pathological Republican liar is kicked out of a restaurant. No, it is in fact a barely veiled threat that if Democrats do not shut up and take a few more decades of that abuse, the mainstream press, even its most allegedly responsible members, is going to go on a campaign to accuse Democrats of being loathsome subhumans, while as usual ignoring the monstrosity that the Republican party has become.

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