
found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

“…you don’t have to look too hard to find voices on social media urging you to abandon the Democratic Party for various perceived heresies. Telling you to stay home, or to throw your vote away on a useless wad of cud like Jill Stein. These voices elected Trump once, and they’re hellbent on doing it again. I know y’all know that already, I just don’t want you to be shy in calling ’em out. There’s too much at stake.” — Shower Cap’s Blog

Look, I get it. Especially at times like this, when several Senate Democrats just broke ranks to help confirm Gina “Ve haff vays of making you tock” Haspel. Being up for re-election in a red state is no excuse; appeasing Trumpanzees doesn’t work, and you can’t out-Republican the real Republican in the race.

But as bad as some Democrats are, would you rather have Republicans in those seats?

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