“Understanding” the Party of Militant Snowflakes (PMS)

found online by Raymond

From conservative T. Paine at Saving Common Sense:

We’ve seen it pop up over the news repeatedly and unceasingly. The media is often duped and is complicit, if not actually members of the far left whiners complaining about the rest of us “not understanding” leftist supporters.

Oh, but we do.

When angry leftist snowflakes accuse me of being racist and opposing the Constitution, when they lie like calling me a White Nationalist, when they accuse and blame conservatives, resort to the race card and every race-baiting technique ever devised, and NEVER bring up the double standards and duplicity of their actions going on today, when they attack pro-life organizations as “racist hate groups”, when they claim that only innocent victims and not some numbers of violent protesters marched with BLM, when they are angered by the Congressional Freedom Caucus for even existing, when they constantly deflect and claim that we are blaming the former Black President, when they refuse to look at President Trump and realize that he is doing his constitutional job as commander in chief by trying to prevent potential Muslim terrorists from dangerous and unstable countries from entering America with his temporary ban until they are vetted and thus claiming he is a racist xenophobe because of this, all the while excusing the anti-colonialist, would-be-Marxist, Islamic-enemy strengthening idiot that preceded Trump into the White House, Etc. ad nauseum…. well, we do get it.

Yeah, if that doesn’t fit anti-constitutionalism and hate America first leftists, then it doesn’t exist.
I will not compromise with hate and lies. (Some on the left have become the very essence of hate and lies.) I will call haters and liars out for what they are going forward. There can be no common ground with this leftist extremism. It will never disappear, and it must be defeated by every generation. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” so said the greatest president in my lifetime, Ronald Wilson Reagan, whom the militant left hates for restoring America’s prosperity, standing, and respect among the nations of the world.

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2 thoughts on ““Understanding” the Party of Militant Snowflakes (PMS)”

  1. Paine defines liberals by their worst elements. I define conservatives in part by people just like him.

    Paine says, “There can be no common ground with deflection, distraction, denial, dishonesty and distortion.” I agree.

    Paine declares us to be his enemies. View him in kind.

  2. I gotta thank Mr. Paine for openin’ up my eyes.

    Militant snowflakes. A “Party” of them, no less? This sounds like either some ominous oxymoron or the greatest threat ever to darken America’s homeland. Either way, I’m scared of ‘em. I ain’t ashamed to admit it.

    I bet these militant snowflakes march around with their rifles slung over their open holsters, just waitin’ to pick us off one by one. Will they start a Civil War for political correctness and more funding for PBS?

    That means the terrorists won! And that there makes me mighty angry.

    I hear they go to Unitarian Churches. That proves they’re Devil worshipers. I learned that from Alex Jones, one of Trump’s senior advisers. I learn a lot from him. An’ from Mr. Paine.

    When them militant snowflakes start saying it’s wrong to cut the Children’s Health Insurance Program to make up for tax cuts for the rich, then it’s time we take a stand for what’s great about America.

    Thank you Mr. Paine fer tellin’ it like it is. You an’ me know them militant snowflakes can’t handle the truth, what with all them teachers, professors, scientists, and journalists out there a feedin’ em fake news and Chinese Hoaxes.

    Somebody’s gotta stop them America hatin’ militant snowflakes. We need us a final solution to the militant snowflakes problem; that’s just what we need.

    Looks like I’m gonna hafta buy me a bump stock, and some more 30 round mags, to deal with those militant snowflakes. They need a dose of their own medicine.

    You can count on me joining with our fellow “very fine people” to stop them commies cold.

    They will not replace us!

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