Michelle Obama Blames Women For Trump, Sanders Struggles with Lies

found online by Raymond

From David Maloniez at Anything Political:

Michelle Obama recently spoke about what she considered a big mistake by American women. She said that she still reflected on the election outcome and said women were responsible.

Obama had received much criticism in the past during her husband’s Presidential office and after. She didn’t allow this to hamper her in any way and had much to say about how Trump was running the Country.

This in light of what happened recently with Sarah Sanders was ironic. Her reputation and integrity faced much criticism after a statement she made proved false.

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One thought on “Michelle Obama Blames Women For Trump, Sanders Struggles with Lies”

  1. “When the most qualified person running was a woman, and look what we did instead, I mean that says something about where we are…That’s what we have to explore, because if we as women are still suspicious of one another, if we still have this crazy, crazy bar for each other that we don’t have for men… if we’re not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president compared to… what, then we have to have those conversations with ourselves as women,” she added.

    I’ll say what she could not say, without a barrage of hate from the Right. While some of what she alludes to applies to women in general, she’s talking about stupid,or frightened, or ignorant, or racist white women. They chose Trump by a majority, as did stupid,or frightened, or ignorant, or racist white men.

    Sorry, angry white Americans . You blew it big time. You no longer deserve respect for your paranoia, bigotry, and lame judgment. We don’t need to”understand” you. YOU need to understand us.

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