The Look of the Future

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

The election of Trump was, deep down, a last-ditch effort to prevent the future, motivated by a deep resistance to change and difference. Trumpanzees are full of anxiety about the growing acceptance and visibility of gays, about the declining dominance of Christianity, about the millions who find that marriage and reproduction do not suit them, about the growing numbers and confidence of non-white and racially-mixed people, about technology that makes information and communication too hard to control, about the prospect of socialist (I use the honest word) reforms that will liberate the poor from the raw struggle for survival and ultimately undermine the dominance of wealth. To people who recoil from pluralism, people who want everything to be the same as themselves and the same as it always was, the future just viscerally looks wrong — and must be stopped.

It’s not always explicitly fear of the different, it’s more often an endless stream of half-stated objections and pearl-clutching disapproval, and it isn’t the wave of the future. Race-consciousness, religious fanaticism, befuddled anxiety about gay marriage, and suspicious hostility to science and expertise just don’t go with the world of the internet and nanotechnology and stem cells. They belong to two different universes, two mutually-exclusive realities. There are reasons why the great technological innovations that drive national power and wealth happen in New York and Massachusetts and California rather than in states that keep trying to put creationism in the schools; on a broader scale, there are reasons why they happen in the US and Europe and Japan rather than in Pakistan or North Korea or Saudi Arabia.

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