White Shooter, Black Hero, White Presidential Silence

found online by Raymond

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

The shooting at a Tennessee Waffle House and its aftermath, say everything about this Presidency:

A white shooter with an assault weapon.
(Police using restraint when apprehending said white shooter.)
People of color brutally murdered.
A black, gunless hero saving strangers.
A silent white President.

It’s all been on full display:

No calls by FoxNews to ban angry young white guys.
No white evangelical televangelists taking to social media to condemn the evils of racism and the danger of gun proliferation.
Silence from the NRA’s normally rabid mouthpieces.
Nothing about the victims of color.
Not a damn word from GOP leaders.
Barely even any cursory “thoughts and prayers” for the dead.
No Presidential praise for the black man who saved countless lives without a weapon.

(By the way , his name is James Shaw Jr, Mr Trump.)

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