Snap! Democratic Congressman Destroys Tucker Carlson

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) shows his collegues how you do an interview with Tucker Carlson. Stick to the issues, don’t get sidetracked by Tucker’s nonsense, and slip in those FACTS that Fox News viewers aren’t supposed to hear on this network.

Fox News continually announces that Mueller has been going on “too long,” and has found “nothing.” Now Tucker Carlson is horrified that the president’s sex life and lying to the FBI are somehow felonies, the height of hypocrisy given the Clinton years. And yes, Maloney brings that up, too.

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One thought on “Snap! Democratic Congressman Destroys Tucker Carlson”

  1. Key line from the interview:

    Tucker: “I just wanted to get you to concede that you were uncomfortable with it.”

    He kept asking the Rep variations of the same question, despite the Congressman having answered it by the 9 second mark of the video. It’s not about the answer to the inane question but about continually beating the concept of the question into the minds of the viewers. Repeat anything enough and it’ll take on some form of reality for people.

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