Dolan Says Catholics Are Not Welcome in the Democratic Party

found online by Raymond

From James Wigderson:

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, writing in the Wall Street Journal, says there is no longer a home for Catholics in the Democratic Party.

“The ‘big tent’ of the Democratic Party now seems a pup tent,” Dolan wrote.

Dolan, a former Archbishop of Milwaukee, points to two issues, school choice and abortion, that are pushing Catholics away from the Democratic Party, if not into the Republican Party that Catholics once distrusted.

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One thought on “Dolan Says Catholics Are Not Welcome in the Democratic Party”

  1. Many Catholics in the US don’t agree with the religion’s absolute and across-the-board taboo on abortion, or at least don’t agree with forcing it on everyone through the civil law. A lot of self-identified Catholics do, in fact, vote Democratic, so they seem to feel they have a place there.

    As for those who do, well, a party has to have some core values it sticks to, or it ceases to be a coherent party at all. It wouldn’t be very accommodating to a cult that supported, say, slavery either. If being free from the law forcing you to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term against your will isn’t a basic human right, it’s hard to imagine what is. The party must not compromise on that.

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