Jared Can’t Catch a Break

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Leaving aside the obvious problem of nepotism, Kushner is crazily in debt, his family has shown a willingness to use his position to get mad unethical, and, as was revealed today, a pattern of financial insecurity and poor, naïve decision-making has made foreign countries decide he is a super great halfwit to work with. This was kind of a no-brainer–Kushner should not have high security access because his position is really insecure.

It’s also probably a no-brainer to suppose that this means he either can’t do his presumed job (which is, last I checked, all the foreign policy things we’re supposed to have a State Department for) or, Daddy Trump and Ivanka are going to let him crib from their notes. This is a situation of such abominable stupidity it could only be happening in the Trump White House.

But in the world of “Jared can’t catch a break”, he’s also facing a Hatch Act violation for talking up President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, while using his official White House title. Kushner, of course, brought Parscale on to the 2016 campaign and worked closely with him, so he has a good idea about the quality of his work-product from the digital end of the campaign, but even that is darn problematic. Parscale went from being pretty much no one in politics, to being a weird 2016 success story, but the funny thing is, he’s tied to Cambridge Analytica, which is tied to Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn and, obviously, the Russia investigation. Parscale has already had a chat with Congress, and is probably going to get another one with Robert Mueller and friends. (Don’t sweat, pets, there’s other hang-ups this cat likely has.)

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