Post-Attack Recovery

Still typing left handed, right arm in a perpetual sling.
It’s slow and awkward and I’m prone to mistakes.

But, as someone on social media has pointed out,
Moist people aren’t bothered by the occasional typo.

(Oh come on! I’m often considered elderly, perhaps because of age,
and I’m taking up to three types of pain medication as needed – Wheeee.
Besides, attempts at dad humor serve as a distraction.)

So gimme a break! (See there?)

First post-surgery follow-up with another surgeon is set for Monday.
Removal (or replacement?) of staples is to be done then.
I intend to post more, if I can, right after the surgical review.

About the attack:
The assigned police detective is careful not to give me much information on the identity of the attacker, the reason for the attack (except that they are sure they know what it was), or when an arrest is expected.
And he really shouldn’t tell me more just yet.

About comments wishing me well:
Thank you.
I am more than grateful.

If I’m up to it during the next several weeks of recovery, I’ll try writing a few short opinions, depending on energy level and, you know, pain.
Mustn’t wake the neighbors.

For anyone wanting to catch up:

Recovering from Random Violence

A little more on the violent parking lot attack.

We’re exchanging phone calls at the invitation of the Orthopedic folks whenever we have questions. And we do have a few, mainly confirming what we’re doing at home and reporting changes in condition.

Mostly, I’m getting sleepy more quickly, like almost right away.

Still doing pretty much everything left-handed, which makes for slow typing.

A follow up appointment is set for next week.

So far, things look good.
Maybe FEEL good will come soon.

More Details on Parking Lot Attack

Let’s bring this up-to-date.

Posting is somewhat hard to do left-handed while screaming.
Pain medications work pretty well until they don’t.

But good news: Shoulder surgery scheduled Monday afternoon here in St. Louis. Some sort of orientation set for Friday. Recovery 6 to 8 weeks, possibly more.

Back in Maryland, detectives say they know who the attacker is.
They should have enough to press charges next week. So things are looking up.