The Image of Trump as a Successful Businessman Has Always Been a Con

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President Trump paid no income taxes in 10 of past 15 years      [Image from ABC Channel 6, Philadelphia]

From Earth-Bound Misfit:

What he does is come into a large sum of money, whether by inheritance or from self-promotion and, from that, he relentlessly enters into business deals where he is taken to the cleaners.

There is a lot of detail in the second story in the Times today, how Trump used his stardom from The Apprentice to enter into one shady marketing deal after another, including one company whose business model is little different from a pyramid scheme. He took the money that he made from that and bought a series of golf courses, which have been losing money hand over fist.

That has put Trump into serious financial trouble…

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Helping Poor Bullied Chris Wallace to Heal from His Beating

Please Mr. President, you agreed to no interruptions

Listening to the designated moderator try so hard to … well … moderate:
Here’s a thought.

Rather than a continuous pleading with the President to abide by the rules he had agreed to follow…

How about simply controlling the mic?
Only turn on the microphone of each candidate when it’s that candidate’s turn to speak.

What Would Aliens Really Be Like?

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Life on Earth: Not the Only Possible Template      [Image from Tamara Gore at Unsplash]

From Infidel753:

In this post last month, I said that one reason I reject alien-abduction stories is that the aliens they describe — “greys” and suchlike — are just unimaginative modifications of the human form, and it’s very unlikely that evolution on another planet would produce anything so closely resembling us or any other Earthly species. Aliens with a space-traveling civilization would need to have sophisticated sense organs and organs of manipulation (like hands or tentacles) in order to develop technology in the first place, but that’s all we can assume.

So what would life on another planet be like, if it exists at all? Not just intelligent life that might visit us, but life in general which we might someday discover? This is obviously going to be very speculative, since we have only one example of a life-bearing planet to look at and thus no general knowledge about what is and isn’t possible. But it’s informed by what I know about evolution, at least.

To begin with, all land vertebrates on Earth are four-limbed (except in a few cases like snakes where evolution has done away with limbs that their ancestors had), but this is just because they all evolved from a common four-limbed ancestor. There’s no reason to think that the same would hold on another world. It would depend on how many limbs the common ancestor of land life had. Six limbs, or eight, or even ten or more, might actually work better, especially for very large animals. In some Earthly vertebrates such as birds and bats, the front pair of limbs has evolved into wings, while in a few species — notably humans — the same front pair has become specialized into organs of manipulation rather than locomotion. With more pairs of limbs to work with, evolution might specialize them for several different functions in the same animal. In an intelligent species, the first pair or even the first two pairs of limbs might specialize for manipulation as our arms and hands do, leaving the rest as legs and/or wings.

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Juggler In Chief!

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Trump and the Tax Scam      [Image from CBS New York]

From Max’s Dad:

…but some of this shit is priceless.

$70K a year for somebody to wrangle that mess on his head? Paying Ivanka $700k to “consult” then write it off? That alone is sending him to prison and hopefully her too. Losing millions and millions and taking on debt from who knows and getting 70 million in refunds from his own country and then calling said country “stupid”.

Holy Club Fed, Batman. Only the most dim of us still stand behind this Parasite in Chief and theres plenty. Behind the scenes fascists have had their puppet strings stretched to the limit and will soon abandon him once this crazy handmaiden is installed to the Court and their authoritarian philosophy is ingrained into law. Then theres the white supremacists at his rallies. They still support him because he still appeals to their fears and bigotry .

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I’m Not In Love – 10cc

Music I happen to like
– Aria


10cc was a British Band from back when history began in the late 60s.

This piece came out, what, 40 years ago? 50 maybe?
Okay, looking it up: 1975.

People still alive from back then were either kids or now wish they were.
I mean anyone who was a grownup from back then is one of the geezers everyone else talks back to with Okay, Boomer!

And it’s really beautiful. Listen.

1975? That’s 45 years.

So it was a long, long time ago.

And that’s what’s amazing. It would be a creative masterpiece if it was made today. Back then, with no PC software, with today’s PCs still a dream or two away, they MacGyvered it together.

They wanted a voice choral sort of background, but they only had four guys. So the one closest to a techno-whiz semi-synced up a dozen tapes of the four to run at the same time, looped and staggered so the break in each would be be drowned out by the eleven others.

The last piece fell into place when their secretary (the band had a secretary?) whispered a message. They decided on the spot that her whispered voice in the middle of the song would be perfect.

What gets to the residual pre-teen romantic in me is how the thing started. The wife of band member Eric Stewart complained that he didn’t say he loved her, at least not enough.

So he thought of a way to express a sort of helpless love expressed in denial.
So I’m Not In Love.

Want to see the words?

Click on: MetroLyrics

Trump Thinks Threatening Dictatorship is Hysterical

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     [Image from MSNBC]

From News Corpse:

Most Americans find this sort of authoritarian demagoguery repulsive, treasonous, and frightening. However, Trump himself thinks it is hysterical. The Daily Beast’s White House reporter, Asawin Suebsaeng, reveals that…

“According to two people familiar with the matter, hours after the president stepped away from the cameras, Trump continued following the fallout in the press, including on cable news, and began privately remarking how amusing it was that his answer was making media and liberal heads explode, and also predictably dominating TV coverage.”

“’He seemed to get a real kick out of it,’ one of the sources said, adding that the president seemed to relish making the press, in Trump’s words, ‘go crazy’ over his non-commitment to democratic norms and procedure. ‘[The president] wasn’t going to be playing by their rules on this just to make them feel comfortable.’”

So emulating Hitler and Mussolini is just a big joke to Trump.

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