The Price of Conservative Judicial Corruption

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From Green Eagle:

Hitler had engaged in a treasonous revolt against Germany. For this he should have been executed or received a very long prison sentence, but instead a corrupt, right wing judge gave him a shockingly short sentence and then saw to it that he served only a small time in custody, for a massive, murderous crime.

It is highly likely that, if this conservative judge had not been able to engineer this travesty of justice, the Beer Hall Putsch would have been the end of the Nazi party, and it is very possible that World War II, with its fifty million deaths would have never taken place.

This sort of judicial travesty is exactly what has just happened in the Manafort case.

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Apt Search, CPAC Rant, Fox Purge, GOP Fake News, Trump Love, Manafort Lite

A Jesus Who Builds Walls

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

I’ve been in their homes and they’ve been in mine.

I know what these people have seen, the work they’ve been a part of, the kindness they’ve shown others, the faith they’ve professed, the God they’ve read and sang about.

Which makes it all the more heartbreaking now, to admit that I no longer recognize them; the venomous words they share on social media, the hateful theology they now ratify, the blatant corruption they turn their heads from, the human rights atrocities they are stunningly silent on.

The only conclusion I can come to, is that we were never following the same Jesus—or at the very least we aren’t any longer.

They are following a Jesus who is foreign to me, a Jesus who builds walls.

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‘Climate Crisis’: The Dem’s Path to Totalitarian Socialism

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From Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

A group of Democrats unveiled their “Green New Deal” (GND) that calls for a “‘10-year national mobilization’ on the scale of the original New Deal” geared to “transform the U.S. economy to combat climate change.”

Remember that the 1930s FDR New Deal was a catastrophic failure if the goal was economic well-being. But it was a smashing success at expanding the power and scope of government interference in the economy. The drastic transformation of the U.S. economy would require, against the choices that Americans would otherwise make, would do the same, this time likely on the scale of totalitarian power. If the climate is in a “crisis” that is an imminent “‘existential threat’ to the planet,” and human activity is the cause, then what control can’t the government impose on us? What limits on government power will be left under the government-imposed mobilization plan? None–and that’s the point.

But is climate change the primary factor motivating the GND? I doubt it. Remember that the Democratic Party is now a socialist party–a democratic socialist party.

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Most Americans Think Donald Trump Is A Criminal

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Most amazing to me is that only 52% of Republicans and 53% of Trump voters say he has not committed a serious crime. That means 48% of Republicans and 47% of Trump voters either believe he did or aren’t sure whether he did or not. And yet they continue to support him, and say they would vote for his re-election.

It shows the power of hate. Those people don’t support Trump because of his agenda. He really doesn’t have an agenda (conservative or otherwise). His only agenda is to do what he thinks is good for himself (and that is subject to change at a moment’s notice).

So, why do these people continue to support him? It’s because they value hate above morality and/or policy.

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Fine Cop Whines

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From Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

I have, over the past few years, read threads on different forums where cops and retired cops are complaining that they have to abide by magazine and/or ammo restrictions when they are off duty, especially when they are traveling for pleasure.

My feeling is this: Suck it up, buttercup.

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Meet the State Legislators Who Are Ruining Your Life

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From Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass:

We were warned. The late, great, lamented Molly Ivins warned us. When it comes to daily life, it’s our state legislators who have the most control over what we can do and whether we can do it safely.

Take Kentucky’s General Assembly. Please.

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“Dumbness” as a musically authentic asset (new study)

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Would this explain the success of a certain well known politician?
From The Journal of Improbable Research:

Hector Qirko is not only Associate Professor of Anthropology and Associate Department Chair at the College of Charleston, US – he’s also, as can be appreciated above, a recording artist.

As such, he’s noticed that when it comes to popular music, “dumbness” in performances can sometimes be regarded as a musically authentic asset.

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