Are Christians Supporting Trump Christians?

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From John Pavlovitz:

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” — Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride,

The first Christians didn’t call themselves Christians.

It wasn’t some congratulatory self-identifier as it is today; a way of loudly trumpeting one’s own supposed goodness, quickly slapped on Twitter bios and bumper stickers and t-shirts without forethought or personal cost or empirical evidence. It wasn’t about a place you visited for an hour on Sunday before Cracker Barrel, either.

The term Christian was originally a designation of the community of people following Jesus, by those outside of it after his death—and it was quite likely a slur; a scarlet letter attached to a marginalized group who’d traded comfy allegiance with Caesar for dangerous devotion to an itinerant Hebrew street preacher from Nazareth.

In the Roman Empire in which it was born, Jesus’ movement was fully countercultural; shunning its power and material wealth, breaking its barriers between the important and the inconsequential, fighting the stereotypes of the in and the out. It was a table builder and a wall breaker.

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Jury Anticipation

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From Mock Paper Scissors:

There are 18 charged and the jury is going over each count and discussing the issues at length. It will take a few days to do that.

But what I am worried about: Ellis said that he has received threats (of an unspecified nature) and is now guarded by U.S. Marshals.

“I had no idea this case would excite these emotions, I can tell you frankly.”

I guess Ellis has never heard of Comrade Trump’s base, who regularly make death threats to the press for poor coverage of Dear Leader.

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Trump Learns the Hard Way He Can’t Act Alone

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

Donald Trump couldn’t do a better job of teaching everyone how the presidency works, according to classic political scientist Richard Neustadt. Today’s lesson: the costs of acting alone.

All presidents are frustrated by the limitations of the office. As canny observers have noticed, Trump tends to deal with that by gravitating toward things that he can do all by himself, so we get pardons, stripping people of security clearances and holding summits. Richard Nixon, when he couldn’t get things done he wanted, went around the system to try to do those things (such as, say, spying on political opponents when the FBI refused to do it). Trump, facing the same obstacles, instead retreats to those things that the system does allow him to do without anyone’s permission or cooperation. And when he doesn’t do that, he attempts to order those around him to do what he wants even if they have the ability to say no.

So we have two new stories. One is Trump’s decision to strip former CIA director John Brennan of his security clearance (and floating plans to strip clearances from other former government officials who have criticized him). Trump was able to do that basically just by giving the order.

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The Simplest Reason to Oppose Brett Kavanaugh

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From Michael Kinsley:

Is a conservative someone whose core belief is that courts should follow precedents, be slow to change established laws — even laws that a judge may disagree with? Would a conservative vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade, for example, or would he or she reason that abortion rights are now so embedded in society and law that it would be “activism” for a judge to meddle with them?

Or is a conservative — at least in the legal context — someone who feels most strongly that the laws and the Constitution should not be used to impose a judge’s political preferences? This is what Justice Antonin Scalia called “originalism.” This kind of conservative would say about abortion, “Find it for me in the Constitution, buddy.”

Yet another type of conservative would say (not out loud!) “Look — we’re in power; we won’t always be in power: why shouldn’t we impose conservative policies on the country? The libs did it when they had the chance.” This crowd would probably try to impeach Justice Kavanaugh if he didn’t vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Although liberals hope that if Kavanaugh is confirmed he will turn out to be the first kind of conservative, why should I, or any other citizen, have to guess?

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Unite the Right 2 Takes to the Streets, Hooah!

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From Green Eagle:

I guess I will file this report on the great national Unite the Right 2 march that happened in front of the White House this weekend, on the first anniversary of the great Charlottesville riot that did so much to establish Nazis as deserving of a place in our national political life, just to keep up my record.

This event was the beneficiary of an immense amount of publicity from both right wing sources and our mainstream press, so I think it should be indicative of the real strength of the right in the United States. Well, here it is…

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When Aretha Franklin Filled In for Luciano Pavarotti

Via Nancy LeTourneau at Washington Monthly:

In 1998, Luciano Pavarotti developed a sore throat just before a scheduled performance of his famous operatic piece Nessun dorma. An emergency call was made to a surprise substitute who sang with virtually no special preparation.

She brought the house down, the audience was just blown away:

The Sins of Christians Choosing The Economy Over Morality

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

“But the economy!”

Unable to refute the reality of his sinful transgressions themselves (things they know to be antithetical to their calling and their Nazarene namesake), this becomes their go-to conversation stopper; the supposed surefire mic drop, that settles everything and closes the case and trumps the rest.

It’s also a flat-out heretical disgrace, and something a follower of Jesus should feel sickened even saying.

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My High School Gets It Right

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From Whatever:

The Webb Schools of California, which is the high school I went to way back when, has updated its handbook with a section for “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students” and as far as I can see it gets it right — establishing explicitly that Webb students have a right to identify their own gender and to be called by the names and pronouns they choose, and that the school will work with them to accommodate their choices with dignity and respect. The relevant section of the handbook is here (and is immediately followed by a robust harassment and discrimination policy, which I also applaud). Note I am a cisgender hetrosexual so there may be things I miss, but to the extent I know about about this stuff, this is pretty great.

It makes me proud of my school, and it also shows the distance it’s come since I graduated there more than 30 years ago.

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‘Dark Money’ is Free Speech. Protect It

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

“Dark Money” is the language of dictators who want to silence the free speech of private citizens. Another word for “dark” is anonymous. Given the inextricable link between spending and speech, anonymous spending equals anonymous expression. Anonymous expression is a right that should be protected. Political anonymity has been used throughout history by free speakers to avoid harassment and intimidation by both governments, political opponents, and private thugs. It was used by Revolutionary advocates of freedom and independence to shield them from British reprisals. It was used by 20th Century black Civil Rights advocates to shield them from white racist lynch mobs.

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