The GOP Kobayashi Maru Sails Again

found online by Raymond

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

As we all know what comes next in the saga of giving Billions to Billionaires is to have conference committee that combines the House and the Senate bills, and then both houses have to pass that.

Now, consider this: amply be-chinned Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made desperate promises to get the votes he needed, including doing something about DACA and stabilizing Obamacare, which has about as much chance of happening as monkeys flying outta my pretty pink ass.

So if any of the Senators who gave McConnell a hamburger today for repayment on Tuesday realize that they have been grifted, they might not vote for this stitched-together Frankenstein tax bill. And please recall that Sen. Corker is already a lost vote. So if any two Senators feel that they got screwed, the bill is dead an buried. Looking at you, Jeff Flake and Susan Collins: you got played, suckas.

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