White Teens Hang a Biracial 8-Year-Old From a Tree in New Hampshire

found online by Raymond

From Justin Rosariosep at The Daily Banter:

It’s hard to say what the worst part of this story is: The fact that some white teens in Claremont, New Hampshire thought it would be funny to lynch a little brown kid or that the police are protecting the teens.

Two weeks ago, Cassandra Merlin’s son was airlifted to a hospital in Dartmouth after he was viciously hung from a tree and left to die

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3 thoughts on “White Teens Hang a Biracial 8-Year-Old From a Tree in New Hampshire”

  1. Yes, but remember that one time Antifa made a conservative speaker reschedule his speech or that guy who wasn’t a member of BLM did something not so nice and I’m going to blame BLM for it? Yeah, let’s talk about that instead.

  2. I blame the guilty kids, but also their parents. They are very likely Trumpist members of America’s largest racist hate group, Angry White Con-servatives. AWC’s may not be affiliated directly with organizations or chapters, but they are supporters of the movement.

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