Americans Understand Sanders More Than Australian Thinks

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

Peter Ross, from what I can gather from his profile,—he “deconstructs the psychology and philosophy of the business world, careers and every day life,” whatever that means”—is an “ivory tower intellectual” living in Australia. Nonetheless, he penned an op-ed to explain “the Thing so Many Americans Can’t Grasp About Bernie Sanders.

The “many Americans,” of course, are Sanders’ opponents. We just don’t understand Sanders, lectures Ross. Let’s see about that.

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One thought on “Americans Understand Sanders More Than Australian Thinks”

  1. Typical conservative distortion of the liberal mindset, insistence that only absolutely consensual activity can be good, and conspiracy theorizing about the “true goals” of Democrats.

    If he can declare that liberals are for sacrificing the individual for the group, can we declare that conservatives are for sacrificing the group for themselves?

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