Shiny Object

found online by Raymond

From Iron Knee at Political Irony:

Why did Donald Trump lash out against transgendered soldiers on Twitter? After all, during the presidential campaign he made it clear that he didn’t care one way or another about transgendered issues. And Trump’s tweets came out of nowhere, as he never even bothered to talk to the military before he tweeted (despite lying in his tweet and claiming that he had talked to them).

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3 thoughts on “Shiny Object”

  1. And for a different and very intelligent perspective on this issue:

    For me it is not about “not having the LGBTQ community’s back. It is about effective military readiness instead of worrying about social engineering and PC quackery within our armed forces.

    Okay… I know I opened the floodgates with this one so let the hate begin…

  2. That is truly an interesting website. Thanks Trey.

    As for one not precluding the other, I would respectfully disagree and for many of the very reasons that the author of the article I referenced suggests. Most transgender folks are suffering from emotional upheaval. Where this may or may not be an issue in some support roles in the military, it absolutely detracts from the morale, unit cohesion, and mission focus of front line roles.

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