Fox Says It For Us – Lauren Duca Says It Better

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9 thoughts on “Fox Says It For Us – Lauren Duca Says It Better”

  1. What happened to that masterful skill at negotiation? What happened to all those deals? Make a deal, oh great Master of the Deal.

    1. Is anyone else tired from all this eventual winning yet?

      ISIS eventually defeated. Cheaper and better eventual health care for all. More eventually high paying jobs than ever before. More eventual coal back in the ground waiting for an eventual army of miners to dig for our eventual Utopian coal power plant boom. Eventually unprecedented respect from our allies. Eventual trepidation from Putin …

      How great can one country eventually be?

      1. How great? Believe me. Very, very, very, very great. So great, I guarentee you, you’ll be sick of the greatness. So sick of the greatness, believe me. Very, very, very, very great. Eventually.

  2. Well, all of the Democrats should be jumping for joy. If the GOP does not get Obamacare repealed, they will lose horribly in 2018. I’ll be damned if I will help any of them out. You will be able to continue on with your progressive agenda shortly, my friends.

    Oh yay! To hell with our country and personal liberty and prosperity!

      1. Thank God Jesus sent Trump to save America! At last, we are a great country! Unbelievable personal liberty! And so much prosperity for everyone! It’ll make your head spin.

        The con-servative agenda is finally in full swing. Crackdown on the drug war. More asset forfeiture without conviction. Longer prison sentences. Break up those Mexican families. Wooo Hooo! Smell the liberty!

        Shut down climate research! No more Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists. Dear Leader will shut them up for good. Smell the freedom!

        Open the floodgates for polluters! Smell that fresh air of prosperity! Drink that “Liberty Lead” in your water, Flint!

        Deregulate Wall Street! Let there be big league prosperity for the worthiest and morally superior pillars of capitalism.

        Cut taxes for the rich! They have suffered long enough. Great prosperity will magically trickle down to the rest of us. This time I promise it will.

        Time to cut medicaid for the sick parasites and take food stamps from those whiny little poor kids. We’ll show them what good con-servatism will do for them. Let ’em pull themselves up by their bootstraps, just like our Dear Leader did when he was only two years old.

        Trump is the real messiah, and he will lead the Great Republican Revolution for a new American aristocracy!

        No wonder Republicans and con-servatives are falling in love with Putin, ’cause he knows what’s best for America; Trump. Putin told him just what to do in their secret meeting. Yeee Haww!

        Prosperity for those who have it! Healthcare for those who can afford it! Free speech for the rich!

        God bless real Americans and the real America! To Hell with loony liberals and their commie agenda! Putin’s Puppet is in charge. Just what America needs.

        Thank you, Jesus! We knew you loved America best. You can hold off on the Rapture as long as Trump is our Dear Leader, for Heaven has descended upon our humble nation.

  3. Trey, I know you mock this with your cry of “tyranny and oppression” but when we empower the government to do what we ourselves are capable, and by right, should be doing, then we are indeed creating tyranny and oppression in the long run. The maxim of “power corrupts” is especially relevant when it is applied to unaccountable federal bureaucrats and politicians, sir.

    The more powerful one makes the federal government and the more of our daily duties and responsibilities we slough off on them only invites further corruption of them and more subservience and dependency for us.

    1. I am sorry that you live your life in constant fear of The Federal Bogey Man, I truly am. I have no idea what happened to you that has caused such distrust in the government for the people, by the people. I one day hope you will come to have faith in the Constitution and it’s ability to empower us to make change and safeguard our freedom. It got a minority of people to have their chosen personality in the presidency this go ’round.

      I am still very interested in what freedoms we’ve lost.

      1. Trey,
        While the Right howls and whines about “lost liberty” of non-existent gun confiscation, and the “tyranny” of single payer healthcare, we understand the truth of the matter.

        We the people have lost our representative democracy to Big Money. Billionaires get their way and to hell with the “little people”. Look at Trump’s Cabinet of billionaires for a perfect example of my point.

        Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the insurance industry, the MIC, etc. have more representation, I.E. money, than all the rest of us. Now that money is free speech, and there are twenty-fold more corporate lobbyists than representatives, the elites have won, and we have lost.

        It’s not the government, but the economic powers of the elites, the revered “job creators”, that pull the strings of their politician puppets. Con-servatives won’t recognize this reality of the new corporatocracy. It’s too important to accuse and blame liberals for everything.

        The rich are entirely blameless for what happens after they buy our government.

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