Fondly Remembering Obama – 7/11/2017

Headed to G20 press conference – 2010 (From Obama Photographer Pete Souza via Instagram

Wondering why a few conservative friends are less than impressed.

9 thoughts on “Fondly Remembering Obama – 7/11/2017”

  1. “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” ~ Rahm Emanuel

    Which sounds like it should have been the motto of the entire Obama administration. The sad thing is that they were responsible for creating most of the crises in the first place.

    1. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before. I think America as a whole in 1973 and 1974, and not just my view but obviously the administration’s, missed the opportunity to deal with the energy crisis that was before us. For a long time our entire energy policy came down to cheap oil. This is an opportunity, what used to be long-term problems, be they in the health care area, energy area, education area, fiscal area, tax area, regulatory reform area, things that we have postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity, for us, as I would say, the opportunity to do things that you could not do before. The good news, I suppose, if you want to see a silver lining, is the problems are big enough that they lend themselves to ideas from both parties for the solution.” – Rahm Emanuel

      Actually, this really does sound like the motto of the Obama Administration. To the frustration of many liberals. Your out of context quote and what you’re suggesting was not the motto. Nor would you be able to cite any actual examples of what you’re suggesting.

  2. “Your out of context quote and what you’re suggesting was not the motto. Nor would you be able to cite any actual examples of what you’re suggesting.” ~ Trey

    Really? With all of the gun crime, most especially in the city for which Mr. Emanuel is now mayor, I give you their egregious solution to the crisis. Fast and Furious. Of course it wasn’t a very good solution for Brian Terry, but after all this is more about the common good instead of just individuals… just like most progressive programs are.

    1. Fast and Furious has nothing to do with anything you or I commented about. You took a Rahm Emanuel quote out of context, a quote often taken out of context by the right, I put it back into context and you somehow still dig your heels in. Even if the context you suggest for the quote were correct, a failed Arizona ATF operation dating back to 2006 is no indication of how Chicago’s police deal with gun crime in 2017. One literally has nothing to do with the other. Do you just prefer to imagine living in a world where Rahm Emanual is some cartoon villain twisting the corners of his mustache waiting for something to happen so he can pounce with his evil liberal agenda?

      I don’t know what I expected, really. Maybe a ‘Oh, I only find these quotes on my right wing blogs and news sources, I never bothered to actually look up the context of what Rahm was saying. Thank you, Trey. I’ll start questioning everything and giving people the benefit of the doubt. I should have known there was more to it than a single sentence.’

      You literally posted 3 posts ago on your own blog chastising Burr and “leftist websites” for interpreting pictures out of context.

      “Yes, a picture can say a thousand words, but when we look at all of the pictures, they also can tell a completely different story if we only take the time to truly look.” – T Paine

      Take the time to truly look, indeed.

  3. Brian Terry was killed as a result of a botched ATF operation mixed with the con-servative war on drugs . It was never a “progressive program”, and to suggest so is yet another dishonest and false accusation against liberals.

    We’re used to getting blamed by the Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities for everything. Their CRAP is nothing new.

    Unlike the Putin Cartel in the White House today, there was accountability. July 31, 2012 – The first of a three-part joint staff Congressional report is released, Fast and Furious: Anatomy of a Failed Operation, which lays blame for the failed gun-running probe on Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson and Deputy Director William Hoover.

    If the dishonest accuser hates Obama sufficiently he will blame Obama for not only that death, but “responsible for creating most of the crises in the first place”. What crisis? You know the drill. Just fill in the blank.

    That’s right. Obama is to blame for the Bush financial crisis and recession. Obama is to blame for the consequences of the Iraq war of aggression. You name it, Obama and liberals are to blame. The far Right Blame Game is as unrelenting as it is unreasonable and untruthful.

    Four thousand Americans paid with their lives for Bush’s war based on lies for crony profit, while 32,000 live with their wounds. Bush’s war led directly to the formation of ISIS and the body count continues.

    Again, it’s more important to blame Obama, than the man who started the war that spawned ISIS. This is the hateful cult mentality that sees Wall Street-friendly, trade deal friendly, corporatist Hillary Clinton as “goddamned commie’.

    There is no reasoning with a cultist.

    There is a lot of hate, and a lot of ignorance, darkening our nation’s soul. No wonder Trump is our Dear Leader.

  4. Trey, with all due respect, you are taking Rahm Emanuel’s more opportunistic and cynical approach to a Hegelian dialectic and making it into a progressive virtue, sir.

    History is replete with examples of various crises that have occurred and have even been fostered by our federal government. The purpose of those appropriated or manufactured crises is to generate a public outcry demanding a solution. Of course that solution has already been predetermined by the government but could never have been implemented without the public first clamoring for it.

    Obamacare and Fast & Furious are two examples of manufactured crises that our government offered “solutions” for that ultimately only exacerbated the problems they drummed up, sir.

    Even the “oil shortages” of the 1970’s of which Emanuel spoke of in his quotation provided the perfect crisis for the federal government to create the new Department of Energy, whose stated purpose was to find a way to reduce America’s dependence upon foreign oil. We can see what a rousing success that has been.

    Now I am sure you will continue to assume altruistic motives behind Obama and the federal government’s “problem solving” but if you were to look into the even deeper context of it all, including Mr. Emanuel’s “good crisis going to waste” statement, you would probably be a little more skeptical like many of the rest of us are, sir.

    1. “Obamacare and Fast & Furious are two examples of manufactured crises” by the FAR RIGHT. Not a crisis to me or anyone I know. But the Black Democrat…he’s the evil one, alright.

      From 1980 to 2010 domestic oil production dropped and imports increased. After 2010 imports dropped and domestic production rose. Imports are at the lowest percentage since 1970.

      Mr. Paine probably already knows this.

      The Department of Energy is charged with the safety and handling of nuclear materiel. Mr. Paine probably already knows this as well.

    2. Ok. I get it. You do prefer to live in a world where Rahm Emanuel is a cartoonish villain twirling his mustache.

      Literally none of those examples are remotely ‘creating a crisis’ that could be capitalized on. Fast and Furious wasn’t a crisis. It was a failed series of operations meant at dealing with Mexican Cartels that dated back to 2006 Bush Administration. What, pray tell, was the crisis this was meant to create that the Dr. Rahn Evilanuel would capitalize on?

      Obamacare? Yeah, I know. We literally never, ever, hardly ever, maybe never heard about Healthcare Reform in this country prior to the last administration’s mechinations. Obamacare certainly didn’t reach back to policy proposals dating back to Bush 41’s term. No sir. Wait. It did? Man, those Liberals. Playing the long game.

      As far as the Department of Energy and its genesis… well I guess it was certainly spurned by the oil crisis, but it was a consolidation of departments/organizations in a similar manner the Department of Homeland Security was a consolidation of departments/organizations after 9/11/01. And that Crisis was, I guess, caused by our Government backing Israel in its latest war. Also, reducing dependence of foreign oil is only one among a few things the DoE is responsible for. I fail to see the nefariousness that you do. Unless you’re implying that the Government actively assisting Israel in the ’73 Arab-Israeli War was done as a cover to create the DoE. Ooooo. But what if it was? Ooooo Like the Bombing of the Maine as a cover to get us into conflict with Spain… but more mundane! Now there’s an Alt-History book ready for Newt’s imagination.

      DESPITE all of this, you still took Rahm’s words out of context and attributed a meaning and context that is only in your head. I get it. You distrust the Federal Government. But this “Deeper Context” just sounds like “I’m wearing a tin foil hat so the Men in Black can’t read my thoughts”.

      Give me an actual example of a government induced crisis that was then subsequently “solved” by the government. Or, maybe, they’re aren’t any real ones. Just imagined or with a context too “deep” for me to see.

  5. Domestic oil production rose in spite of Obama and the Democrats. Remember Obama declaring a moratorium on off-shore drilling? Oh, except he allowed our offshore rigs to be used by Brazil through George Soros backing. Evidently we don’t need to protect their oceans there, right?

    And the nuclear regulatory commission functions were handled professionally and adeptly by the United States Navy prior to the creation of the DOE. It was progressive bureaucrats and politicians from all parties that once again wanted to increase the size and scope of the federal government that added the DOE, HUD, Homeland Security, and the Department of Education. All of these functions can and should be taken care of within existing federal government agencies or better yet, by the states where possible.

    You keep looking for crises though to build up an even better utopian government, Mr. Dubya. After all, we wouldn’t want those created crises to go to waste now, would we?

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