Life in the Greatest Country

found online by Raymond

From Green Eagle:

The Republicans realized long ago that their true goals, which cannot be really hidden, and which offer nothing but disaster to the vast majority of Americans, could never be sold to the voting populace, so they began a systematic scheme to craft a voting base which had had its greed and lust for hatred and violence so triggered that it would utterly ignore its own interests, and vote on the basis of that greed and hatred. In the course of doing this, the Republicans consciously crafted an entirely fictitious world view, featuring such things as the absurd doctrine of supply side economics, which promised that everyone would soon be rich, and an endless series of utterly bogus threats like Sharia law and terrorism, which have fed the greed and hatred of their base, and prevented them from seeing that the obvious threat to their existence comes from the rich people who are attempting to reduce them to penury, not the endless series of alleged foreign threats that right wingers constantly see behind every corner.

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