
found online by Raymond

From Dave Dubya:

Another Muslim is murdered in Republikanistan… and of course the crime is ignored by the Right.

And in the Georgia special election, repugnant Republicans are demonizing and blaming liberals for the baseball shooting.

The Washington Post reports one particularly hateful ad on FOX.

— One conservative outside group, Principled PAC, is even trying to link Ossoff with the shooting in a particularly foul commercial that is airing today on Fox News. A narrator claims, without citing any evidence, that “the unhinged left is endorsing and applauding shooting Republicans.”

– More –

5 thoughts on “Heirs”

  1. “OMAHA, Ne (FOX42KPTM) – A Nebraska Democratic Party official is now in hot water. An audio recording was posted on YouTube Thursday with Phil Montag, a technology chairman, voicing how glad he was Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise got shot last week at a baseball practice. Nebraska Democratic Party chairwoman Jane Kleeb confirmed to FOX 42 News Thursday it was really his voice.

    ‘His whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to (expletive) kick people off (expletive) health care. I’m glad he got shot,’ said Montag in the audio recording.

    Montag is now looking for a new job. Kleeb let him go after the recording became public.

    ‘I wish he was (expletive) dead,’ said Montag in the recording.”

    Yep, along with the laundry list of leftists wishing violence on President Trump and conservatives that I listed in my last blog post, there is no hate to be found anywhere on the Left, correct?

    The left blames Sarah Palin for using the word “targeting” specific vulnerable Democrat congressional districts for using violent hate speech, but a devout Leftist Sanders supporter specifically shooting Republicans is not fair game.

    I agree that the ad you cited was distasteful, but it is certainly no worse than Democrats use of unsubstantiated hateful rhetoric such as, “Every time you elect a Republican, another black church is burned.” etc. etc. etc.

    Seems like your sense of right and wrong are a little out of proportion there, sir. But it is the Right that is demonizing in your alternate reality world.

    1. “Yeah, but what about…”

      “That’s bad, but they…”

      “I agree that it’s wrong, but it’s no worse than…”

      “Remember when my ideological opposite did this similar thing…”

    2. Mr. Paine,

      There is too much hate. Period.

      But I will not deny hate on the Left as you deny hate on the Right.

      No one whips up hate like Trump and the “party of values”. You are attempting to distract from a serious truth of the matter. The hate from the Right Is FAR more lethal. You cannot accept this fact, You need to continue projecting that degree of hate onto the Left.

      The body count in the US from Right wing hate was higher than that from Jihadists from 2002 to 2016. No wonder you need to obsess with the mere words of an angry reaction from an unknown democrat, words that were not intended for propaganda purposes like the “distasteful” ad.

      The left blames Sarah Palin for using the word “targeting” specific vulnerable Democrat congressional districts for using violent hate speech, but a devout Leftist Sanders supporter specifically shooting Republicans is not fair game.

      You’re way off here too, old buddy.

      That was not just the word “targeting”, was it? Those were images of democratic districts through a rifle scope were they not? “Not fair game”? WTF! He was a dangerous threat to human life. You are now implying there was condoning or guilt by association, just like that vicious hate filled ad.

      Shame on you.

      We get it. Hate is “distasteful” from the Right, but evil from the Left. That is your message, sir, as far as I can tell.

      And you accuse me of a sense of right and wrong that is out of proportion!

      Your deliberate deflections, while ignoring the true reality of far Right terrorism, demeans the lives and dismisses the deaths of victims of far Right hate.

      Shame on your horribly false equivalence, sir.

      I hope your words were simply a reaction lacking in forethought, like Mr. Montag’s were. Or was what he said, merely “distasteful” too?

    3. Montag, a party official who expressed pleasure toward the shooting, was fired. Gianforte, a candidate who actually committed violence himself, was “hired.” Just as importantly, many Republican voters praised his actions or grasped at even the slightest justification for it. I do *not* see the same support for violence on the Left from the average voter or politician as I do on the Right, nor do I hear the same rhetoric about second amendment solutions and refreshing the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and whatever else occupied the minds of “true Americans'” for the 8 years Obama was in office.

      With that said, that is not necessarily how it will remain. Liberal ideology is hardly immune to the temptations of violent talk and action and we are indeed seeing more of that as it deals with a leader like Trump and having greatly diminished power in our government.

      I won’t be shooting anyone, but I’m not immune either. I am growing more and more hateful toward Republicans in the Trump era and less inclined to care about what happens to them as they proudly and self-righteously continue to oppose just about everything that I support, mostly in the name of a religion that I regard as harmful nonsense and a political ideology that barely attempts to convey concern for anyone in need. Some people say that our similarities outweigh our differences and we just need to “get perspective,” but I don’t see it. The Left and the Right can’t agree on much of anything of consequence, but, more importantly, their fundamental beliefs are absolutely in opposition. Debate and government can’t resolve our problems if we can’t even agree on the basic facts or our basic goals. Worse, we can’t even agree on what a fact is.

      I’m frankly surprised that we don’t see *more* successful violence against politicians, whether by “troubled” individuals or otherwise. There is so much talk of and apparent conviction in the beliefs that Democrats are committing “baby genocide” and Republicans want the poor and ill dead, yet so little done to the politicians who allow any of it to happen.

  2. Montag, a party official who expressed pleasure toward the shooting, was fired. Gianforte, a candidate who actually committed violence himself, was “hired.”

    Seems pretty clear who’s “sense of right and wrong that is out of proportion”.

    Worse, we can’t even agree on what a fact is.

    Once again it is very clear who’s “sense of right and wrong that is out of proportion”.

    The Right has their own unique alternative facts, science denial, and “flexible morals”. All defined by the most authoritarian of their leaders. This is how a cult becomes fascism.

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