A Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Princes, and Their Pictures

found online by Raymond (with lots of help from T. Paine)

From T. Paine, at Saving Common Sense:

I have seen several leftist websites and mainstream media sources (but then I repeat myself) promulgate the notion that Pope Francis was not happy when he met with President Trump recently as was reflected in their group photo.

Even my good friend Burr Deming at Fair and Unbalanced picked up on this new trendy left-wing meme on his site.

The problem is that not everything is as our brothers and sisters on the left would seem to want it to be.

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One thought on “A Pope, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Princes, and Their Pictures”

  1. I don’t blame the Pope for not smiling with a racist birther and idiotic climate science denier.

    Making the claim that the Pope was happy to meet Trump is far more ridiculous than suggesting the opposite were true. I’d also think the Pope has had his fill of sexual predators as well.

    How on God’s green earth could the Pope be “happy” to meet with the embodiment of greed, dishonesty, racism and hate? And how could the Pope be “happy” to meet with an arrogant jerk who claims climate change is a Chinese hoax?

    And how could the Pope be “happy” to meet with a serial liar who demeans and rejects the Popes sane and compassionate views?

    “Climate change represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity today, and the response requires the solidarity of all.” – Pope Francis Tweet

    “Humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming, or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it.” – 2015 encyclical, “Laudato Si.”

    Trump promised to read it. Yeah, like that will happen. I’m sure lying to the Pope will make America great too.

    The two of them are a perfect contrast between a decent conservative person and a nasty, vile, con-servative Republican.

    Guess which one millions of Americans believe and trust more? Yes, the “Party of Value$”.

    God help us.

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